I’m Yiqi Wang, or Ben

I started programming in 5th grade. I specialize in distributed web applications development.
#CSharp, #DotNet, #HTML, #JavaScript, #Android, #CSS, #Python

I’m Yiqi Wang, or Ben

What I love to do

Its hard to stay ahead of the game. I take every tasks seriously. Things I do flawlessly.

Website development

Building and creating responsive, interactive and clean websites.

Mobile App Design

Modern design framework for building lightweight mobile applications.

Database Administration

Design and manage various database for your websites or applications.

Wechat Light-weight Apps

Create the most popular mobile-traffic access points for your services.

Web Hosting

Whether it's a local server or a cloud, Windows or Linux, I can help you set up the right environment for your website.

A Listener

Relax, why not have a drink together if something is bothering you. Speak in Japanese, English & Chinese.

Come with me!

I'll help your business to grow revenue!